Does your dog
- Pulling on lead
- Hit & miss recall
- Jumping up
- Barking
- Poor listening skills
- Zero impulsive behaviour
Experiencing these situations is common and overwhelming for you and your furry friend. If you want to turn things around, we've got just the something for you and your four-legged buddy - My friendly and fun Training Walks!
How can I help
Training walks are a unique way to support you and your dog back to enjoyable walks together by:
- I will create a bespoke training plan for your dog based on your goals
- You will have a one-hour coaching session in your home. This will get everyone ready for the training
- I would deliver two or three 45-minute sessions per week with your dog
- The training delivered will be around your goals, with feedback given to support you
- You will be invited out on a training walk to practice some of the new skills
- Support videos to help you practice the new skills your dog has learned.
What is the Cost
I have two levels of training walks:
Standard and Premium.
The Standard Package is best for those with a couple of training goals, while the premium package is for those with 3 to 4 goals.
If you have more goals you wish to achieve, i can talk you through the best option.